Lein Lab: Our most valuable asset - the people who work here

Research Grants

Our research grants

UC Davis CounterACT Center of Excellence: Developing Therapeutic Strategies for Mitigating the Chronic Neurological Consequences of Acute Organophosphate Intoxication
U54 NS127758 Lein (PI) 09/01/2022 - 08/31/2027
Current medical countermeasures for acute organophosphate intoxication can prevent death, but are unable to fully protect against the longterm adverse neurological consequences (progressive brain injury, cognitive impairment, spontaneous recurrent seizures) unless administered within minutes of exposure, which is an unlikely scenario in the event of accidental, suicidal or terrorist-related exposures. The Center seeks to identify and develop novel disease-modifying therapeutic strategies that can be administered in hours to months after exposure to delay the onset and/or reduce the severity of chronic neurotoxic effects.

Diversity Supplement to UC Davis CounterACT Center of Excellence: The Role of the JAK/STAT Signaling Pathway in Chronic Neurological Effects of Acute Organophosphate Intoxication
U54 NS127758-S1 Lein (PI) 07/01/2023 - 06/30/2026
One goal of this supplement is to test the hypothesis that administering therapies that block the Janus Kinase/Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (JAK/STAT) pathway as adjuncts to standard of care will mitigate the long-term, adverse neurological consequences of acute OP intoxication. A second critical goal is to increase diversity of the scientific community with training on how to identify and develop more effective therapeutic strategies for reducing seizures and improving cognitive outcome in those patients who experience persistent drug-resistant disability following a chemical mass casualty event.

Diversity Supplement to UC Davis CounterACT Center of Excellence: Role of IL-1β in mediating the chronic adverse neurological effects of acute organophosphate intoxication
U54 NS127758-S2 Lein (PI) 07/01/2023 - 06/30/2026
One goal of this supplement is to test the hypothesis that administering therapies that antagonize interleukin-1β (IL-1β) signaling as adjuncts to standard of care will mitigate the long-term, adverse neurological consequences of acute OP intoxication. A second critical goal is to increase diversity of the scientific community with training on how to identify and develop more effective therapeutic strategies for reducing seizures and improving cognitive outcome in those patients who experience persistent drug-resistant disability following a chemical mass casualty event. 

Molecular and Cellular Basis of PCB Developmental Neurotoxicity 
R01 ES014901 (Lein and Lehmler) 12/01/2020 – 10/31/2026
This research project quantifies the developmental neurotoxicity of lower-chlorinated polychlorinated biphenyls (LC-PCBs) found in the human gestational environment and investigates how metabolism by human cytochrome P450 enzymes influences neurotoxic outcomes in experimental animals exposed to LC-PCBs in the maternal diet throughout gestation and lactation.

Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exacerbates AD-Relevant Phenotypes in a Genetically Susceptible Rat Model via Neuroinflammatory Mechanism(s)
RF1 AG074709 (Lein, Bein and Van Winkle) 05/01/2021-04/30/2026
The main objective of the project is to test the hypothesis that TRAP decreases the time to onset and/or increases severity of Alzheimer's disease-like phenotypes in genetically susceptible individuals via microglial cell activation secondary to lung inflammation.

Do Atmospheric Ultrafine Particles Lodge in the Brain and Cause Cognitive Decline Leading to Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias?
RF1 NS130659 (Lein, DeCarli, and Kleeman) 09/20/22 - 08/31/25
The purpose of this grant is to test the hypothesis that ultra-fine particulate matter in polluted air promotes the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related dementias (ADRD) by determining whether (a) ultrafine particles are found in the brain of exposed individuals and whether this is associated with AD neuropathology (animal studies) or rate of cognitive decline (human studies) and (b) spatial-temporal distributions of ultrafine particles in northern California over the last 20+ years are associated with AD/ADRD. 

UC Davis MIND Institute IDDRC
P50 HD103526 (Abbeduto) 07/01/2020-06/30/2025
The MIND Institute IDDRC supports ground-breaking studies of the early behavioral indicators of autism spectrum disorder (ASD); the role of immune disfunction in ASD risk; interactions between genetic susceptibilities and exposure to teratogens in risk for ASD and IDD; the range of phenotypes associated expansions in the FMR1 gene; structural and functional brain abnormalities underlying ASD, fragile X syndrome (FXS), chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q), and other IDD conditions.

UC Davis Environmental Health Science Core Center 
P30 ES023513  (Hertz-Picciotto) 05/05/2015 – 03/31/2025
The overarching goal of the UC Davis Environmental Health Sciences Core Center is to expand the scope, innovation, and impact of EHS research so as to improve environmental public health in northern California, the Central Valley, and across the globe. Lein role: Leader, Career Development Program

PCB-Mediated Dysbiosis of the Gut Microbiome: A Missing Link in PCB-Mediated Neurodevelopmental Disorders? 
R01 ES031098 (Cui, Lehmler, and Lein) 02/01/2020 – 11/30/2024
The goal of this project is to test the central hypothesis that dysbiosis of the gut microbiome associated with developmental expo-sure to varying doses of PCBs contributes to adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Diversity Supplement to Molecular and Cellular Basis of PCB Developmental Neurotoxicity
R01 ES014901-13S1 (Lein and Lehmler) 2/01/2024 – 10/31/2024
The proposed supplement will investigate the contribution of extrahepatic metabolism by human and mouse cytochrome P450 enzymes influences neurotoxic outcomes in experimental animals exposed to LC-PCBs in the maternal diet throughout gestation and lactation. These outcomes are relevant to public health because they will provide data critically needed to assess the risk these emerging environmental contaminants pose to the developing brain and provide insights regarding strategies for mitigating this risk in vulnerable human populations.